CTDS Accepted to Google Summer of Code

We are thrilled to announce that the Center for Translational Data Science has been selected to participate in Google Summer of Code for the 2025 season. 185 organizations from around the globe were chosen as mentor organizations for this prestigious program.

Google Summer of Code is focused on bringing new contributors into open-source software development. During this 12+ week program, accepted GSoC contributors spend a few weeks becoming familiar with the community norms and codebase while determining expected milestones with their mentor for the summer. After onboarding, they spend at least 12 weeks working alongside mentors coding on their projects.

As with other work by CTDS, our projects broadly focus on supporting translational research around biomedical data. Specific projects involve working with FHIR (a standard for electronic health records), graph databases, enabling downloads of very large data, monitoring of cloud infrastructure, GPU cluster orchestration, and more!

Contributors may register and submit project proposals on the GSoC site starting March 24. We encourage you to visit our projects page and submit a proposal during the contributor application period. Please reach out to ctds-jobs@lists.uchicago.edu if you have any questions. Google has prepared a guide for contributors who are interested in learning more about the application process and submitting solid project proposals.

Some key dates to keep in mind are:

  • Starting February 27 - Potential GSoC contributors discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations

  • March 24 - GSoC contributor application period begins

  • April 8 - GSoC contributor application deadline

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity!