Registration is now open for the inaugural ARDM workshop hosted by the Center for Translational Data Science. Accelerating Research Using Data Meshes and Data Fabrics (ARDM) will focus on the interoperability and integration of data platforms into data meshes, data fabrics, and other types of data ecosystems.
In recent years data platforms, including data commons, data repositories, and databases have seen tremendous growth. These platforms are tailored for biomedical data, environmental data, social determinants of health data, and other data relevant to improving health outcomes. This workshop will be an opportunity to reduce silos while maximizing data use and the potential for innovative discoveries.
This workshop will cover:
Developing a data mesh: five pillars
Technical requirements and standards for adding a data commons or data repositories to a data ecosystem
Policy and governance for data ecosystems
Standard agreements for data ecosystems
Use cases and success stories
If you are interested in attending, please visit our events page for more information and to register.