Date: Thursday, October 12, 2017
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EDT)
Location: Web Conference (See WebEx information below)
Speaker: Michael Fitzsimons, Ph.D, GDC User Services Manager, University of Chicago
The Analyzing Data using GDC Data Analysis, Visualization, and Exploration (DAVE) Tools workshop will help introduce users to GDC tools for analyzing data from cancer genomic studies. As an example, we will explore most frequently mutated genes and mutations and perform a survival analysis for cases with and without these mutations, view the distribution of particular mutations and mutated genes across the GDC and visualize associated transcripts in a protein viewer, build custom gene sets for targeted analysis, perform integrated analysis on the most mutated cases in an OncoGrid, and analyze cases within and across projects.
Included Topics
- Visualize most frequently mutated genes and view most frequent somatic mutations for a project
- Perform a survival analysis for cases with a mutated form of a certain gene and cases without the mutation
- Visualize mutations and their frequencies across protein domains
- Build custom gene sets for targeted analysis
- Plot all cases for a project in an OncoGrid and visualize the top 50 mutated genes affected by high impact mutations
- View the number of cases affected by particular mutation across all projects